With Kinect (the new Xbox 360 accessory
from Microsoft) you will be able to play games without any controller,
just by moving your body and hands. Amazing isn't it? Unfortunately, the
new device has been labeled as "very casual" or "without any
interesting games". Is it true? Let's find out which are the best Xbox
Kinect games!
5. Kinect Sports

-Bowling: in this one you must make the "throwing the ball" motion and the game will do the rest. Looks interesting, although a little inaccurate at times!
Kinect Sports will also feature a volleyball, track and field, javelin throw and table tennis, and it's a good reason to purchase a Xbox Kinect device.
4. Kinect Adventures

3. Dance Central
There is a fun competitive multiplayer and many different songs, so (if done right) this could be THE party game and Kinect's main selling point, and definitely among the best Xbox Kinect games.
2. Child of Eden
of Eden is a game with a lot of potential. The premise is simple: a
huge archive with the knowledge of all humanity has been

infected with a strange virus and is at risk of being completely erased. Your
objective is to fight huge hordes of amorphous enemies by shooting and
killing them. The amazing thing here is that you must shoot at the
enemies by using only your hands (Minority Report style), like that "pew-pew" game we all played when we were kids.
It looks really fun and inmersive, so be sure to keep an eye on this game!

It looks really fun and inmersive, so be sure to keep an eye on this game!
1. Star Wars Kinect
A Star Wars game with a motion-controlled lightsaber? Indeed!

dream of millions of Star Wars fans may soon come true if this game
lives up to its potential. With all the power in your hands (literally),
you'll be able to fight epic battles against other Jedis and use all
your Force-powered abilities to win.
The graphics seem top-notch too, so Star Wars is looking like Kinect's main "hardcore game" and worthy of the first spot in this "top 5 best Xbox Kinect games" article.

The graphics seem top-notch too, so Star Wars is looking like Kinect's main "hardcore game" and worthy of the first spot in this "top 5 best Xbox Kinect games" article.
thats a good list of best kinect games
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